Success Stories

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Success Stories

Cost Saving Analysis

Real Estate 501(c)(3) Association with 500 members

This organization went from a staff of three with an office to Chapter Manager level service with AMC. AMC was able to analyze their website, email and database system to show inefficiency and cost savings. The client was able to save $2,031 annually in this one area.

Member Increase and Engagement Strategy

Medical 501(c)(3) Association with 900 members

This organization did not have administrative staff when coming on at a Chapter Manager level with AMC. Within two months of taking on this organization, AMC was able to analyze their website, meeting and membership inefficiencies.


Human Resources 501(c)(6) Association with 200 members

This organization utilizes Executive Director services with AMC. AMC consulted with the organization to add member benefits and create additional revenue sources.

Raising Revenue

Management 501c6 Association with 250 members

This association did not have a management company prior to working with AMC. Within three years of Administrative level support, AMC has helped grow the organization’s bank account from $5,000 to $50,000.

Conference Count

We manage several conferences including the following: 

  • ACG Capital Connection (1200 attendees)
  • PMI Houston Annual Conference (500-850 attendees)
  • ULI Houston Suburban Marketplace (350-400 attendees)
  • South Central Chapter AAAE (160 attendees)