Many local or regional associations look to find part-time employees that can help to manage their nonprofit association; but associations are unique – they require expertise in many facets of management including membership engagement and recruitment, meeting/special event planning and management for their board, finances, website, sponsorship, social media, and communications…the list goes on and on and that’s a tall order for one person to deliver on a part-time basis! Volunteers within the association also often lend their time to help with management tasks as a way to give back to their profession, but not to figure out how to work the complicated website platform!
Because of this, many associations turn to Association Management Companies (AMCs). The AMC model can help to bring expertise, organization, and structure to an association. Since 2002, AMC – Association Management Consultants, LLC has worked with clients to ease the burden of running their associations. One long-time AMC client likes to reminisce when new board members take office, telling them "taking on help was a scary commitment for us. At the time, we were borrowing next year's sponsorship money to pay for the current year's holiday party! How could we afford to bring on a partner like AMC?" The story goes on to reveal it was one of their best investments, not only in efficiency, but in cost savings too!
One of the biggest benefits we offer is the ability to leverage professional relationships with vendors such as venues, photographers, audiovisual providers and more in order to get our clients an awesome deal and boost efficiency. Since managing associations and planning events is our full-time job, our account managers have the experience and knowledge to coordinate meetings better than the volunteers or part-time employees involved with a single association. Our account managers work closely with our clients to guide them in selecting venues that meet their goals and budget by running cost models to show expected results. We understand how to guarantee at a venue so that the organization doesn't pay for extra meals or too much on audiovisual (no projector should cost $900 to rent for an hour, that's silly!).
Besides event coordination, AMC and other management companies can offer innovative ways to diversify and grow revenue streams rather than just looking for cost-saving measures. Things like newsletters, mass communication, social media, marketing, and group coordination are just a few examples of the daily tasks we can help coordinate. With the proper fit, AMC professionals will build relationships, listen to the needs of the group and alleviate fears to ensure the Board that the association will be run according to plan. When it is time to transition, the account manager remains a constant and can guide the new board in the first few weeks. Ultimately, working with an AMC means board members can allocate more time to the “big picture” and less time to the details. In this way, the association leadership in conjunction with the AMC professional will maximize the time to network amongst members, grow the financial standing, and strategize for the future of the organization. AMC uses industry best practices as well as our own time-tested expertise to help organizations succeed. The association's success is our success!